Saturday, April 24, 2010

Riverclay Studio Opens Soon!

That says it all. Eddie and his brother-in-law Paul have been working since October to get the building ready. It has been a lot of work...

...but now Eddie is hanging shelves, getting the kiln ready, cataloging glazing chemicals, and reclaiming clay that accompanied us when we moved up from California 33 years ago.

Eddie wedging and kneading reclaimed clay

The Kick-wheel of three kilns

Chemicals for glazing

There is still so much to do. Eddie has to mix and test glazes. He ordered a clay extruder which should arrive next week. He says that he needs to make some repairs on our main kiln and do some test firings.

And yet still we have a class area to design, as well as the showroom. And then there is the sign we need to get hung, and a little more exterior work...

Lots to do. Also there is lots to make. We had the Tulip Festival Street fair last weekend and we made contacts with other artists who might like to sell their wares on consignment.

the clay waits...